Mar 15, 2013

Nati con la Camicia

Go for it!
They say Bud Spencer & Terence Hill aren't well known in the United Kingdom, I say I pity them cause that just can't be. The italian action comedy golden couple of all times has a legendary status among movie connoisseurs, and if you know them well you know you're for a treat of a nice mix of sight gags, slapstick and inventive fight scenes, that can be closer to an Italian version of a Jackie Chan comedy than any western comedy duo.

Nati con la Camicia (Born with a Caul) AKA Go For It unites the drifter Rosco (Hill) with fresh-out-of-jail Doug (Spencer). Within the first 10 minutes they've beaten the occupants of a highway diner and stolen a truck. 10 minutes later, they're mistaken for two CIA operatives and despatched to Miami to infiltrate the mysterious K1's organisation.

Random heroes.
Pimp my ride nigga.
The script and budget of this film are well above their usual low-budget set-pieces, but what really makes these films shine are the stars. Hill's smooth-talking, fist-fighting charmer is the perfect counterpart to Spencer's hulking laid-back bruiser. If you've never seen them fight a group of Euro-villains, this is a good one to start with. Much of the pleasure comes from seeing Bud Spencer delivering one of his trademark slaps - a slap from a man that size HAS to hurt and the ringing sound effects foleyed in are a nice departure from the usual gunshot-type sound effect.

Posing a rich Texan millionaires and in possession of a million dollars, these two wreak havoc across Miami. My favourite scene is the delivery of Spencer's burger; the sequence is surreal enough to have been lifted from a Leone western and will have you in stitches.

That is what I call having juice in style.
Are you the burgers I ordered?
Save the day (by chance)
If you like this film I'd also recommend 'Double Trouble', possibly their finest film. 'Go For It' remains a close second and a fine reminder that if there's no chemistry, no amount of stunts or CGI will make your film work. The right team, however unlikely the pairing, will turn any ordinary film into a memorable one. 

Here's the full movie:



Flashback-man said...

Buen review, he visto todas las que produjeron , tanto juntos como por separado. Unas que son buenas "le llamaban Trinidad", "Dos puños contra Rio" y por separado el iletrado "banana joe (no sabe leer, no sabe escribir, pero habla con sus puños)" y "Don Camilo" (los ángeles de don camilo v/s los diablos de Don Pepone). Por ultimo "doble problema", sale un Spencer y un Hill amanerados que me cague de la risa.

Ojala que hagas un review de algunos próceres de la comedia italiana.


SPAM Alternative said...

son geniales las que mencionas, ya he hecho reviews de algunas de ellas. He logrado conseguir 11 de las 20 películas que hicieron. saludos!