Apr 21, 2015

Avengers: Age Of Ultron

We're back with new toys for you to buy.

Every decade in film history has had its hype. the 70's delivered the exploitation/sexploitation craze. The 80's delivered a massive amount of B movies in the most varied genres. The 90's had alternative films featuring drug use and abuse. The 2000's seem to have been split in two halves. One were there were many awful films, and another half where films based upon Comic Books took the lead.  Honestly, we've grown tiresome of reviewing superhero flicks. However, our Comic Book love remains untouched and as strong as ever. 

Previously we engaged ourselves in the fulfilling mission of reviewing as many Marvel Cinematic Universe films we could, so that you could get a wider picture of what's to come in the future of such universe. The long wait ends today, with the film that sets the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3.

Avengers 2, AKA Avengers Age Of Ultron is the long awaited sequel of Marvel's Avengers, perhaps the greatest success Marvel Studios have had until today. Does the sequel outdo the prequel? let's find out!

Shall we help idiot Stark stop his AI invention?
We're growing tired of your bullshit Stark.
Partially based upon some comic book story arcs (mostly Age Of Ultron & Avengers Now) the sequel is essentially about Tony Stark's latest idea (something that could greatly improve Iron Man 3's poor reputation) which is none but to mass produce his previous remotely controlled Mark 42 armor as to set up a whole army of Iron Drones (known as the Iron Legion) in order to be everywhere in a matter of a few minutes. Such technology is based upon the what we saw in Iron Man 3, only this time it works. With S.H.I.E.L.D. gone for good (see Captain America: The Winter Soldier) Stark sets up as the CEO and #1 investor of the Avengers initiative. Next to him, Captain America takes the field commander position (Stark hates the man) and Hulk, Black Widow & Hawk Eye follow directions.

The addition of Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, which may seem a bit odd from a certain comic book point of view, although brief, works wonders. Specially Scarlet Witch which plays an important part in the climax of the film. Now, if you are expecting a background story for each "miracle" (mutant is forbidden since it's copyrighted by 20th Century Fox and here they're known as "the enhanced") you'll be disappointed. Nevertheless, we're clear that they are a product of Hydra experimentation (The Winter Soldier again) As for Vision, the other newcomer, he's modeled after J.A.R.V.I.S. and this, was spoiled a long time ago in Iron Man 3. Don't remember? Well, next to the big bunny Stark bought Pepper Pots there is a Christmas sock hanging that reads J.A.R.V.I.S. Now, the colors in the sock are green, red & yellow, which are The Vision's suit colors, clever, eh?

Black Widow is in love with two very different men.
Hello legs!
and what about Ultron? Well, Ultron is pure reprogrammed Chitauri AI and his body clearly resembles that of a T-800 from the Terminator franchise (I wish it had more comic book likeness but whatever). Also, his goal is borrowed from Skynet's program: exterminate humanity because they're violent and destructive by nature. Nevertheless, Ultron is as menacing as fuck (there are a couple of over the top moments but what the hell) He's built an army of Iron Man spare parts and he's reinforced them with Vibranium (the material he's made of. Such material is developed in Africa, suggesting a possible Black Panther reference) The Avengers are clearly outnumbered and out gunned against this new menace but, heroes will be heroes.

Just like the prequel, humor is also a key element in the sequel, an item that I consider a Joss Whedon signature move. Every joke helps us understand that the film and its characters are not to be taken seriously. Hopefully, Avengers: Infinity Wars will keep some of that humor without Whedon directing.

Screw your lame intro, get me to the review now!!
Avengers Age Of Ultron is everything you could expect from Marvel Studios: A thrilling non-stop action ride that depicts superheroes as we like them: Being the hero, saving the day on broad daylight and having no psychopath like inner issues. The film is clearly not made for non comic book fans or comic book films fans. This time we're briefly or quickly introduced to characters that require you to have an extra tad of knowledge of the Marvel Universe or at least to be familiar with some of its more important/known characters. Besides, the original (film) Avengers we now have more characters to look for: Scarlett Witch & Quicksilver (both only referred to as as the enhanced, the twins or the Maximoff during the movie) The Vision (who remains unnamed during the film although "the vision" is teased a couple of times) In addition we have the presence of returning characters such as War Machine, Maria Hill, Nick Fury & The Falcon.

I need to use the bathroom.
I auditioned for Terminator 5 but they said I was too cute.
Avengers Age Of Ultron may not make room for the upcoming marvel films, not at least in a wider sense. References to Captain America: Civil War are zero to none during the film, although there are certain tension moments among the Avengers members, those scenes are not in direct relation with what happens in Civil War (the comic book) Then we have the Avengers Infinity Wars connection, is it there? Well, in a way it is. Thor has a dream where he sees the future and the unexpected appearance of more infinity stones and that's it.
The movie opens with an immediate action sequence, with our heroes teamed up again and engaging in some very rubbery-looking action heroics. This stuff is fun, and if it doesn’t mean much it at least gives audiences this specific kind of action sequence that we haven’t really seen in a superhero movie before. People tend to think Superman is campy but I'd say campiness is where you find it. It is during this heroic battle that we are introduced to the mutant couple of Quicksilver (Aaron Johnson) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen from the Olsen twins that are to die for now).

So you're saying your AI has gone nuts?
Hulk Smash!
Later on there is a party scene where our heroes interact with characters from previous Marvel Studios films. This party is supposed to be a farewell party as the Avengers have finally stopped the last remaining traces of Hydra. However, during the mission they find out the true power that's behind Baron Von Strucker's intentions: For reasons unknown, he's got his hands onto Loki's scepter and his ultimate plan is to use the energy within the scepter as to create a new generation of state of the art weaponry. In addition, he's got one of the dinosaur like Chitauri vessels in his hideout. Once the Avengers recover the missing piece, Stark & Banner ask J.A.R.V.I.S. to analyze the energy contained inside the scepter and what they discover is unparalleled: there is a superior artificial intelligence contained within, which leads Stark to rethink his dream of the Ultron program (an army led by AI that would put an end to the Avengers and would contain any menace without the need for human supervision) Unfortunately, they can't figure out a way and ask J.A.R.V.I.S. to try as hard as it can before Thor takes it back to Asgard.

For some reason, Ultron already exists inside Loki's Scepter so as soon as Stark & Banner return to the party he sort of "self activates" once he becomes self aware he hacks into JARVIS and borrows the Iron Legion bodies as to begin his plan which is literally based on Stark's quote "peace for everyone". From here on, the Avengers have to get back in business and face a very difficult time, thanks to the technological juggernaut that Ultron is. 

I'm only here so you can buy the toy!
Yes, I want you to buy my action figure too.
Avengers Age Of Ultron clearly is an adequate sequel to a film that changed the way the industry and non comic book fans see superheroes. With a challenge that seems larger than life Marvel Studios and his talented selection of film makers, producers, writers and actors have achieved the impossible: To create a sequel as good as the prequel or even better than the prequel depending on how you see it. What seemed to be the curse of the film industry (sequels) has now been once again changed thanks to a dedicated team of professionals. Nevertheless, like every human made product, the film does have its flaws, and despite the fact you already know we love comic books here, I think it's fair to point a few of the flaws this magnificent sequel has:

First, the CGI which by now should be of no surprise to anyone, has minor flaws but in moments where it shouldn't fail: Iron Man's armor looks too artificial in several scenes where he's standing or not flying & fighting lots of ultrons. Also, Vision is the one who took the fatal blow. His body (unless is a close up shot) looks way beyond fake. I mean even video games got that right many years ago. Secondly, why would you add a new character in the story just to have him killed by the end of the film? I mean, it's like he/she/it wasn't part of the story at all!! Thirdly, Ultron's menace is really big, or isn't that big? His presence neither holds connection to the past of the Marvel Cinematic Universe nor does have any relationship with the future of it. If you were expecting the foundations for Avengers Infinity Wars boy you're damn wrong. Fourthly, the loose ends:

Massacre: Avengers style.
The Vision is here!
  1. The main characters do not seem to have any memories from their standalone films with the only exception being Captain America (who quotes some of his past solo adventures)
  2.  What is the purpose of establishing a universe of characters when they only recall what's happened in the previous Avengers film? You get the overall impression of "what does this film has to do with settling a shared universe?"
  3. Do the after credit scenes matter most than an entire film? If things go on like this, I'm beginning to believe they do, and if that's the case that's one of dumbest ideas ever! "Hey, I'm making a new Marvel Studios film that holds no connection to our cinematic universe but the after credits scene is a killer, I guarantee that" This crap happened before with Guardians Of The Galaxy
  4. How Ultron came to be? why was it inside Loki's scepter all along?
  5. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is dangerously approaching the cliche zone where formulaic behavior turns a master piece into a dime a dozen movie. For example, the conflict among the Avengers was already used as an important element for plot development.
  6. Whatever happened to the Iron Patriot armor?
  7. The New Avengers team, seriously?
Avengers, assemble!
Overall, an adventure film that delivers 110% of pure super heroic action almost non-stop. Nevertheless, this film may not be for everyone because it adds new characters and other comic book related elements that will only be understood and therefore enjoyed by connoisseurs of the genre. My recommendation if this is your first Avengers film is to watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier & Iron Man 3 beforehand as to set mood for Age Of Ultron. Of course you can also watch the first Avengers film if you're interested in the after credits scene.

Kids will love the film, lots of action and even a recurring joke about "watching your language". Also the deeply explored human side of one of the Avengers, adds a more realistic take on the characters inside a massive universe of super powers. The whole "we do this together" motive also adds up. This time the Avengers are sure that only through team work they will save humanity from an idea apparently stolen from Superman Returns ...Ultron. The 3D scenes are also spectacular, so please watch in proper 3D to melt your brains out. 

Here's the movie trailer:


And here's the fake after credits scene that features Spider Man and had fans around the globe going crazy:



Flashback-man said...

Mi opinión es: entretenida. No preste mucho la atención en el CGI, pero no se noto mucho. En cuanto a la trama es natural que se desgaste, al tener tantas estrellas en un solo film, sin embargo el mundo de los comics aguanta harto.

Si hilamos fino hay hartas referencias a las películas de Marvel-Disney que vendrán. Así que si la hacen bien de aquí en adelante están salvados por el momento.

Referente a Black Widow igual pascual, todo y la bruja escarlata la misma cosa.

En resumen esta bien para pasar un buen rato y ademas estará en mi colección


Pd: Sacamos la conclusión con mis amigos después del cine que si DC no se pone las pilas con su engendro puede salir para atras.

SPAM Alternative said...

Bueno, yo creo que DC dará la sorpresa con Batman VS Superman ,sobretodo porque estará basada en una de las tantas obras maestras de Frank Miller.

Volviendo a la película es buena, hay harta acción pero evidentemente el desgaste de material se viene y veremos que pasa en las próximas entregas.

Flashback-man said...

Yo estoy en desacuerdo. Watchmen es su obra por excelencia y la cual le reconocen, pero la adaptación no logro lo que el comic, ademas por la trama se corto mucho he incluso se alteraron algunas historias, en resumen apostaron por Miller y salieron para atrás.

300 estuvo casi en las cuerdas, dado que fue el mismo director de watchmen.

La segunda parte de Sin City misma historia, paso sin pena ni gloria.

La primera esta en mi colección, ya que se acerca a lo que miller quizo.

No porque usen un comic de Miller sera garantía de exito. En taquilla puede arrasar, pero como Man of Steel las caídas son fuertes. Con Batman de Nolan tan fresco, quizás la comparen con este batman y se vallan en esa. Ademas que si marvel se las ve peludas con tanto personaje en un solo film, imagínate dc que solo en estos últimos años a presentado 3 super héroes y uno a resultado, los demás no han sido introducidos.

Por eso le digo engendro, pero a pesar de todo lo que dije estaremos igual en el cine, sin importar lo que salga en la pantalla.


SPAM Alternative said...

Mientras alcancen a sacar sus películas antes que la moda se acabe tendrán oportunidad. Cuando la moda pase, tendrán realmente que pensar en hacer algo bueno cosa que se ve difícil como tu bien dices

Flashback-man said...

Tienes razón la maldita moda...

SPAM Alternative said...

Claro, no podemos ser tan ilusos. El retorno de los súper héroes al cine fue gracias a DC Comics y la magistral trilogía (que bien poco tiene que ver con la fuente original) de Batman en manos de Christopher Nolan. El fue el que hizo a los poco creativos agentes de Hollywood pensar "oye, estas historias ya están hechas, hagámoslas películas" y así hasta 2008 con la aparición de la excelente Iron Man. Sin embargo, no hemos olvidado las de Hulk, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Punisher y Ghost Rider asi que Marvel tiene un pasado no tan lejano de películas malísimas de súper héroes