Dec 12, 2023

A Wind Named Amnesia

Philosophy for the otaku.

Continuing with our post apocalyptic reviews, we'll give some rest to the 80s, and talk about the 90s. As a matter of fact, today's OVA will celebrate its 23rd anniversary in a few days.

A Wind Named Amnesia, is yet another story that is part of a great list of animated films focused in the aftermath of a giant cataclysmic event that leaves mankind at its weakest and most vulnerable.  The cold war was still a theme when the 90s began, and it influenced a variety of art genres and formats. Philosophical questions like "What do we do now?",  "How can we go on?", "Will it ever happen again?" inspired novels, films, albums, video games, and of course, the animation industry. 

Death & technology.

it's always a good time for a cup o' joe.

The OVA was produced by Madhouse studios in 1990, and directed by Kazuo Yamazaki, famous among connoisseurs for his work on Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku, two classic titles no worthy Otaku can  miss. The movie is an adaptaion from Hideyuki Kikuchi's 風の名はアムネジア(The Wind of Amnesia) . Other Kikuchi's works include Vampire Hunter D, Demon City Shinjuku, & Wicked City.The screenplay was written by Yoshiaki Kawajiri, known for directing titles like Ninja Scroll, Biohunter, & Cyber City Oedo 808. But don't be fooled! "A Wind Named Amnesia" is the exact opposite of those titles. There is neither gore, nor ultra violence of any kind, which is a credit to the people involved in the production of it. They demonstrated they could get out of their comfort zone to deliver quite an unexpected story.

Plot wise, In the year 1999, the world has been reduced to an apocalyptic wasteland due to an inexplicable gust of wind that wiped even the most basic memories, such as speech and civility, from the minds of the world's populace. Wataru (our protagonist) befriends a young man named Johnny who, prior to the incident, was part of a government experiment designed to expand the memory capacity of the human mind and, therefore, was able to retain his memories. Johnny helps Wataru regain his speech and teaches him other basic functions. However, as a result of the physical toll his body endured due to the government experiments, Johnny dies after encouraging Wataru to travel the world. Wataru encounters a strange woman named Sophia after she helps him escape from an encounter with an unmanned Police Mech Unit and agrees to take Sophia to New York City. Together the two travel to Los Angeles where they try to help as many people as they can until they reach their final destination.


Wataru wants to unravel the mystery.

Action is needed sometimes.

Amnesia wouldn't be released in home formats overseas until 1996, where Central Park Media, now defunct, released it on VHS tape. Other releases by CPM, include M.D. Geist, Urotsukidoji, Record of Loddos War, the complete Project A-Ko series of OVAs. Moreover, their most celebrated achievement in North America, is they were the first to publish Hentai titles.

Without a doubt, A Wind Named Amnesia takes its time to tell the story. People have criticized it for this . However, the plot moves in and out from different stories as Water & Sophia meet new people on their way to New York. For an OVA directed and produced by artists that are largely associated with ultra violent content, you'd expect a lot of action and blood to be spilled on screen, yet the story focuses more on characters and their personal struggles. There is a major plot twist near the end of the story, and the revelation won't go unnoticed, yet the world seems to be beyond saving, leaving a taste of cynical reaction from our main characters.

Boobs are part of the end of the world.

Did I say boobs?

One funny thing Amnesia has, is the odd setting. While everyone speaks Japanese, to story is actually set in the USA. This is how it feels when Hollywood makes movies set in different countries and eras, and yet characters speak perfect English! 

Animation wise, backgrounds are highly detailed, and look like beautiful watercolor paintings. From the Rocky Mountains, to some valleys, and lakes and streams all of it looks amazing. Character designs ditto. Soundtrack wise, it feels generic. 

Ultimately, Amnesia is a hard to swallow pill. The story is slow paced, and some of the revelations and interactions Wataru goes though, make him remain unchanged despite the implications these have as major plot points, and this is a big flaw, because he is supposed to be the only human who has his memory restored. How come people dying, and Aliens deciding our fate randomly don't have any effect on him? Moreover, the final sex scene, which is perhaps the most unnecessary sex scene ever filmed in the animation industry, makes no sense at all. Would you have sex with one of the people responsible for the  catastrophe that doomed your planet? Moreover, when Wataru asks Sophia why they did it, and if they're planning to undo the results, all she answers is "I don't know". 

Johnny   brought Wataru back to the world.


All in all, A Wind Named Amnesia is a one time watch experience. While there is value in the people involved in the production of the OVA, the final product leaves much to be desired in a variety of aspects. Maybe watch it when you're drunk, or playing beer pong or something. 

 The movie trailer in full HD:


Flashback-man said...


Una tendencia en los 90's fue juntar duna + terminator 2 + Mad Max 2. Cuando vi este anime (pirateado en realidad) lo trate de comparar con otros del genero apocalíptico y no me lleno de cuajar. La calidad de animación es un 6 sobre 7, pero la historia meh. Aunque si lo comparas por ejemplo con Nausica y el valle del viento este es mas orientado a un publico juvenil, carece creo yo de una profundidad en el relato.

Saludos master.

Wasogrunge said...

Claro, los japoneses trataron de meter filosofía aburrida en una película de animación. El resultado es una lata de una hora veinte. Animé pirateado sin dudas, y hasta probablemente arrendábamos versiones pirata sin saberlo en aquellos años en los legendarios videoclubes que en paz descansen.