Original Movie poster. |
I know, I know, you guys may be thinking "what the fuck? are we going to read about popular flicks from now on?" There, There boys! it just so happens that today's entry does have some "alternative" value. On the one hand we have the one and only decent film Joel Schumacher ever filmed, and that's not a bold statement, it's the purest of the pure truths. Back there in the 80's film makers had their eyes and minds set into convincing young audiences to buy tickets to go to the movies just like the 60's & 70's teens did go to drive-ins just to shag well. On the other hand The Lost Boys, today's entry you dummies it's a tribute to hundreds of 70's flicks, and tribute is a word we dig here at Spam-Alternative.
Our Bikers. |
For some reason, 1987's The Lost Boys was a blockbuster all over the world because it was a movie about vampires with a different point of view. Here we see no dark castles in the top of a hill, nor orchestral music and the typical Dracula/Nosferatu copycats you can find at your local video store for sure. Joel Schumacher had the idea of taking some of the most well known clichés about teenage death movies, like bikers, gangs, playground fairs, a lonely mom moving on with her kids, a new guy in town looking to get laid, and of course some very unusual vampires, plus some comic books freaks.
So, the story has it a new in town family is looking to fit in into a small town, so we have the protective mother looking for a new fiancée, a son looking for friends at a comic book store, and the teenage son looking for some new friends to meet, and mostly a girl to get laid. So there is the environment of the flick which combines its darker moments with humour and a little bit of family values and childhood innocence, a perfect blend.
Do you wanna ride? |
The problem is there is this bikers gang (yeah, kinda like in the 70's bikers flicks) that is feared by all town and kind of have control over whatever goes on in the night life. Now, the bikers gang is very special, so very special. They not only dig bikes and have a look to be hesitant of, they are also blood sucking vampires! and every night they wake up to catch their preys for some fresh gushing blood, and yeah our new guys in town are just the new dish to be fed from.
Santa Carla will no longer remain a peaceful town, as the rumour has it there are actual vampires haunting people after midnight.However, our guy Michael (Jason Patrick) is not afraid of the night and finds his way to meet the bikers gang and lay eyes on the beatiful Star (smoking hot Jami Gertz) While his little brother Sam, meet some comic book fans that are 100% certain Santa Clara is crowded with evil vampires.
Sam. |
Vampire Hunters. |
In the meantime Sam & Mike's mom Lucy is looking for a job and makes her way to some interesting nice guy named Max willing to help her fit in. Little they know they're befriending a whole fucking family of vampires!!!
David (Kiefer Sutherland) is the bikers gang leader, and decides to invite Michael to be a part of their Jim Morrison loving cult, so yeah Michael joins in and inevitably becomes a vampire himself.
Sam finds out his brother is a vampire and with help from his fellow comic fans friends they try every possible way to turn Michael into a human again or die trying...
David & Star. |
Jami Gertz. AKA Star! |
Jami Gertz, AKA Star's Bush. |
Michael knowing he's become a vampire is in a desperate battle against himself to not murder anyone for blood, and asks his little brother Sam for some help to avoid their Mom getting freaked out. Unfortunately little they know, Lucy, their sweet mom has decided to start dating Mr. Max, the motherfucker who leads the vampire crowd!!! and all he wants is to turn Lucy and his kids into vampires to grow his family of flying bats!!
So, the battle between good and evil starts and Lucy's family is almost powerless in comparison to the huge power David and his biker pals have to fight back, besides would you kill your own brother knowing is a vampire? would you kill your son just because of that? Would you believe a bunch of kids telling you the only way to finish this bloody story is by getting rid of Max, the head of the vampire crowd?
Do my teeth look clean enough? |
Yes, I look like Anakyn Skywalker. |
The big boss, Max.
Overall, a great movie to look for, a classic that gave vampire stories a fresh new start, nothing like the fag pieces of shit we have today with movies about vampires falling in love. A must for nostalgia, a must for the not so serious approach to vampire films lovers, besides this is probably the one and only Joel Schumacher I would recommend to a friend, and I mean it.
Here's the cool movie trailer of one of the few decent 80's movies: