Original movie poster. |
Sometimes, it is very hard to understand the movie audience mind, specially in movies that are based on some comic book character. I mean, what do they want? when film makers make movies true to the original source, they complain, when film makers make movies their own interpretation, they complain! what do they want? This is a movie based on the original
comic book hero, The Phantom, so yes, we have a character in a costume. If that's a
problem for you because it's "unrealistic", well what would be
realistic for you? Lots of blood, sex with movie-star-hot men or women,
big explosions, exit wounds? Lots of that in your everyday life, I
assume? And yes, a lot of fantastic, unrealistic things happen in this
film, which may also pose a problem for you if your sense of wonder is
limited to things like who is going to win the next Survivor. Yet all
of these fantastic unrealistic things are all directly related to the
concepts of heroism and villainy.
The Phantom's throne. |
The Phantom doesn't like getting his picture taken. |
The Phantom relies on guns. |
Nice swimsuit. |
This entire movie is about heroes and villains, right down to the cab
driver. It is not about how Billy Zane looks in purple spandex, or how
hot the female leads are, or how much you hate Treat Williams'
over-the-top performance, or how you think it "rips off" Indiana Jones
(funny, I'm pretty sure Jones was a nod, in part, to the Phantom!). If
these are your only reactions after watching this movie then you have
indeed wasted your time. Fortunately, time like yours isn't very
valuable when you would probably rather waste it spending days playing
the next version of Grand Theft Auto.
The Phantom revisits the concept of heroes. I'm not talking about
people like Vin Diesel, Pamela Anderson, 50 Cent, or this year's
American Idol. Heroes are people who have character, integrity,
morality, and courage; people who stand for, and stand up for, what is
right. With so little of this in the world around us today, I guess
it's not surprising that so many people have a problem with the
concept. These days the hero is the person who can kill the most
opponents (I can't call them "bad guys" here), screw over the most
people, get the most toys, or have sex with the hottest hotties.
Basically, we now equate heroism with personal gain and success.
Catherine Zeta Jones, before she was Catherine Zeta Jones. |
The Phantom's humble car. |
Nope! I'm not Robin. |
Check my ring. |
Here goes nothing! |
The Phantom, like all true heroes, does what he does because it is the
right thing to do, not because he stands to gain from it. He is capable
of performing selfless acts that can make a difference for the better,
and on top of that, he does so anonymously! How often do you see that
in today's society? Drax is a villain because he is the villain, not
because we see him slaughtering innocents or committing some other
purely evil crime. We don't need to see Singh's band blow up a ship
full of people with body parts flying in slow motion to understand they
are also villains. It might require a bit of imagination, which also
seems to be in short supply these days, but the idea is that they are
as bad as you can imagine them to be. Once again that sense of wonder
has to come into play. The only thing I'm left wondering is how anyone
who sat down to watch this movie couldn't have known this.
In a nutshell: The Phantom is a comic book character movie wherein the
hero wears a cool purple costume and performs fantastic acts of
heroism, gets the girl of his dreams, and defeats evil by being a
paragon of virtue and valor. It is fun for all ages; the six kids that
sat in front of me at the theatre had a blast, and my mother likes it
too. The character's creator apparently approved of this film despite
its slight deviations from the printed version. And I give this movie
with heart and soul a 10 out of 10.
Here the cool movie trailer:
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