With Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, and Natasha Romanoff previously established, directors Joe
and Anthony Russo do a magnificent job at expanding these characters –
along with some secondary characters we've seen before – providing more
depth to understanding their actions and how they will affect future
stories. Sam Jackson has a stronger presence this time around,
validating Nick Fury as a main staple in the MCU among the big boys.
Captain America is stronger, faster, and a more refined soldier,
equipped with better fighting skills and understanding of current
technology. Evans plays the earnestness of Captain America's black and
white morality with convincing finesse in an age of grey that he has
yet to find a comfortable middle. And Johansson progresses the allure
of the cunning and multifaceted Black Widow, while bringing a splendid
and lively balance to Rogers' straight and narrow.
Amidst such a tight and clever script, The Winter Soldier introduces a band of new characters, all of whom play a significant role, creating a more layered and conceivably real Marvel Comics Universe. Frank Grillo brings the swolling mass of muscle known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Brock Rumlow to life. Emily VanCamp surprises with her portrayal of Agent 13, whom I wish had more screen time with Cap than just two quick scenes. Robert Redford plays Alexander Pierce, a superior ranking Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., friend to Nick Fury, and representative of the World Security Council. Pierce is a wonderful look into the higher ranks at S.H.I.E.L.D., contributing new insights as to how the organization is run outside of Fury, Agent Coulson, and Agent Maria Hill. Anthony Mackie is Sam Wilson aka The Falcon, an ex-military special-ops paratrooper and a welcomed addition recruited by Rogers to help fight the good fight. Mackie fits comfortably among the cast of veteran actors and should play nicely with the other Avengers.
Amidst such a tight and clever script, The Winter Soldier introduces a band of new characters, all of whom play a significant role, creating a more layered and conceivably real Marvel Comics Universe. Frank Grillo brings the swolling mass of muscle known as S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Brock Rumlow to life. Emily VanCamp surprises with her portrayal of Agent 13, whom I wish had more screen time with Cap than just two quick scenes. Robert Redford plays Alexander Pierce, a superior ranking Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., friend to Nick Fury, and representative of the World Security Council. Pierce is a wonderful look into the higher ranks at S.H.I.E.L.D., contributing new insights as to how the organization is run outside of Fury, Agent Coulson, and Agent Maria Hill. Anthony Mackie is Sam Wilson aka The Falcon, an ex-military special-ops paratrooper and a welcomed addition recruited by Rogers to help fight the good fight. Mackie fits comfortably among the cast of veteran actors and should play nicely with the other Avengers.
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Perfect Sidekick: The Black Widow. |
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Cap & Falcon ready for a final battle. |
Enhanced for combat and strength, The Winter Soldier's presence is
terrifying when it comes to any action scene. Sebastian Stan does an
amazing job holding his own against his targets and those who get in
his way of his missions. My only gripe is that it is not explained how
he obtains the immense power and skills he beholds. The connection
between Rogers and The Winter Soldier is dealt with true care and
excels the story of Captain America from the first film brilliantly.
(Be sure to stay after the credits for a nice button leading into
Captain America 3.)
The Winter Soldier is not just a fantastic sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers, it should also be recognized as one of the best sequels ever made. In fact, writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the duo behind Thor: The Dark World, the Narnia Trilogy, and The First Avenger, have done such a great job shaping Captain America's story that this movie could almost stand on its own. There are many exciting twists and turns in this well-constructed, political action-thriller, but nothing comes as more of a shock than how important the story is at defining the direction of the MCU. What takes place in The Winter Soldier, along with an awesome mid-credits sequence tie-in, will inherently influence Avengers: Age of Ultron as well as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – which should make the TV series a lot more interesting and reward fans who have stuck by its side.
The Winter Soldier is not just a fantastic sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers, it should also be recognized as one of the best sequels ever made. In fact, writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, the duo behind Thor: The Dark World, the Narnia Trilogy, and The First Avenger, have done such a great job shaping Captain America's story that this movie could almost stand on its own. There are many exciting twists and turns in this well-constructed, political action-thriller, but nothing comes as more of a shock than how important the story is at defining the direction of the MCU. What takes place in The Winter Soldier, along with an awesome mid-credits sequence tie-in, will inherently influence Avengers: Age of Ultron as well as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – which should make the TV series a lot more interesting and reward fans who have stuck by its side.
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S.H.IE.L.D board of directors. |
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Gotta drive fast cuz I go the runs! |
Tonally, The Winter Soldier is the darkest story we've come to
encounter, raising many deep-seated questions about government and
soldiers of war while also taking Rogers on an emotional journey. It
also has the best action choreography among all of the MCU movies thus
far. Whedon's NYC battle in The Avengers is beautifully shot and
written, but cannot compare to the hard-hitting set pieces found in The
Winter Soldier, each building up to the bigger whole. The Russo
brothers come from a background of directing television comedies such
as Arrested Development and Community, and it's extraordinary how well
they handle a big budget action blockbuster from cinematography to
pacing. They do infuse their own style of comedy with fun references
and a cameo other than Stan Lee, functioning properly within the
confines of the tone and story. Henry Jackman (Captain Phillips;
Wreck-It Ralph; X-Men: First Class) also composes an adrenaline pumping
score that sets the right mood every time.
The biggest fault found in The Winter Soldier is that it does not address the whereabouts of other heroes or where we are in terms of the time line of the other movies. Why can't Captain America call on Tony Stark to help him out or even Hawkeye who is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. himself. This is a recurring problem we have seen throughout Phase 2 of the MCU in Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World. Marvel Studios needs to acknowledge this hiccup if they want us to continue to believe all of these characters live in the same universe together. You cannot exclude these characters once you have opened Pandora's Box.
The biggest fault found in The Winter Soldier is that it does not address the whereabouts of other heroes or where we are in terms of the time line of the other movies. Why can't Captain America call on Tony Stark to help him out or even Hawkeye who is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. himself. This is a recurring problem we have seen throughout Phase 2 of the MCU in Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World. Marvel Studios needs to acknowledge this hiccup if they want us to continue to believe all of these characters live in the same universe together. You cannot exclude these characters once you have opened Pandora's Box.
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Meth: not even once! |
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We used to be friends y'know. |
Marvel Studios has hit this one out of the ball park with yet another
gripping adaptation for fans to enjoy for years to come. By and large,
Captain America: The Winter Soldier succeeds on all fronts. It is the
perfect set up for future films and at the same time it increases the
value of its predecessors. There is little to argue against its merits
and should be regarded as one of the greatest superhero movies of all
Now, on a side note I could point out that this film and this film alone will change forever the "Captain America fights for the American way, and has no brains" cliche. You can tell from minute 1 in this film that the producers and directors were deeply respectful of the character's legendary comic book legacy. Steve Rogers is depicted as a service man who not only knows the difference between good and bad but, also can dig deeper to uncover a big bucket filled with "fucking bullshit everywhere" like nobody else does. I for one, felt that the previous attempts on taking the Cap to the big screen where somehow based on the American way crap no one buys anymore. This sequel breathes "Captain America, a hero for the whole world" on every instant you see him doing his job. He's no weakling, he's super strong and well trained and most of all he's determined to do what's necessary for saving the day.
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Wanna see my secret weapon? |
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Voilá! |
Now, after watching it you get the feeling of "what the fuck is gonna happen next in the Marvel Universe of films?" This movie is so intense that you will beg to go back to the theaters to enjoy it one more time. The two after credit scenes are divided for good reasons: The first one is definitely related to the Avengers 2 and the second one is screaming Captain America 3.
Overall, an excellent sequel, the best out of the 2014 Marvel flicks for sure. Captain America: The Winter Soldier has everything Ironman 3 didn't have: Balls & a great story with lots of secrets that would make the after credit scenes seem meaningless. if you are still one of the non-believers please, go to your nearest theater and watch it now but, be warned: you will be left screaming for more.
Here's the movie trailer:
And as a bonus video, enjoy this behind the scenes:
Excelente, nada mas que agregar de la película lo haz dicho casi todo. Si DC Comics no se pone las pilas con Superman Batman, la mas mala de las películas de marvel les ganara por paliza.
Sobre las referencias al comic que yo encuentro que en esta película es mas que cualquier otra de Marvel seria para una charla u otro post.
Pd: Veremos nuevamente a la mujer del medio zapato como dices en Lucy de Luc Besson.
Fíjate que yo pensaba que ésta iba a ser la mas fome de las secuelas Marvel para este año pero, de momento creo que la de Thor es la más innecesaria para el hilo conductor hacia Avengers 2. Esta película es magistral, le da al capitán américa un aire totalmente nuevo, dejando atrás ese cliché del héroe de la "american way" y lo que dices de las referencias es muy bueno
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