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The fastest man alive comes to life! |
Months before The Flash's pilot leaked people were already calling this new series as an Arrow's spin off, a spin off seriously? So far we've enjoyed 9 episodes of pure comic book action like TV hadn't seen in quite a while. While Arrow is slow motion CSI with a vigilante, The Flash is an evolution of
superheroes, in the television show industry. 'Arrow' was created
because WB/DC needed a product, similar to the chemistry of Batman and
what better character than Oliver Queen/Green Arrow?. I mean billionaire
playboy becomes vigilante? Come on, in comparison Green Arrow is a lot
like Batman, it's uncanny. Let alone the fact, that Oliver Queen and
Bruce Wayne share a few similarities in their characters. As for
'Arrow' the show, it has the same dark, realistic feel that The Dark
Knight trilogy had, (and the same can be said for Man of Steel). And I
love that WB/DC are going this way about it. The show has proved it's
worth for being an epic adventure for Oliver Queen and an awesome
introduction to the character, as well as a kick ass TV show on it's
Though in comparison between the Flash and the Green Arrow, the Flash is a much more involved and important character than the latter, in respect to the entirety of the DC universe(see the paragraph below). By this I mean, everything in some way is connected to The Flash e.g. "The Flashpoint" story arc for instance. He has more power in his tiny red gloves, than some people give him credit for. I mean, some fans of the comic books, might even say that the Flash is more important than Superman or Batman, (even though the majority of the mainstream public, look up to these defining superheroes more). I mean the Flash brought back comic books, at a time when they were deemed inappropriate for children! I am of course, referring to the beginning of the Silver Age of comic books, which began with 'The Flash'. He was the little guy, in the midst of all these other famous superheroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America and The Human Torch. Yet 'The Flash' was the underdog, that inspired and defined superhero comic books and their franchises to this date.
Though in comparison between the Flash and the Green Arrow, the Flash is a much more involved and important character than the latter, in respect to the entirety of the DC universe(see the paragraph below). By this I mean, everything in some way is connected to The Flash e.g. "The Flashpoint" story arc for instance. He has more power in his tiny red gloves, than some people give him credit for. I mean, some fans of the comic books, might even say that the Flash is more important than Superman or Batman, (even though the majority of the mainstream public, look up to these defining superheroes more). I mean the Flash brought back comic books, at a time when they were deemed inappropriate for children! I am of course, referring to the beginning of the Silver Age of comic books, which began with 'The Flash'. He was the little guy, in the midst of all these other famous superheroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America and The Human Torch. Yet 'The Flash' was the underdog, that inspired and defined superhero comic books and their franchises to this date.
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Faster than diarrhea! |
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Quicker than a burp! |
Why is The Flash so important in the world of comic books? (a 101 explanation for the unaware)
Back in 1940 Gardner F .Fox created a unique superhero who was the fastest man alive after breathing in the fumes of Hard water for over a 12 hour period Jay Garrick discovered that he was the fastest man alive and decided to use these powers to help those in need. He called himself the Flash. With a WWI soldiers helmet on his head a red shirt with a lightning bolt (Pearl Jam anyone?) on it he looked like Mercury. The Flash lasted in popularity until roughly 1952 when He and the rest of his team mates in the Justice Society of America made their last appearances. Afterwards the comics industry hit a massive slump...
Flash Forward to 1956. The comics industry is in a slump. Nothing is selling well except for Superman Batman Wonder Woman Aquaman and Green Arrow. Aquaman and Green Arrow only survive because they are the back ups to superman and Batman. but still something needs to be done. Enter Julie Schwartz. Schwartz is a young editor at DC Comics and he is toying with a idea. To bring back the superheroes. He wants to revive the Flash but not Jay Garrick. He likes the idea of a fastest man alive doing impossible things . So he turns to Writer Robert Kanigher and Artist Carmine infantino. together in a weekend the three of them plot the origin story of the New Flash to be seen in DC Comics SHOWCASE PRESENTS. Showcase issue four hits the stands featuring the Flash and a new age begins the silver age of comics. The New Flash is police scientist Barry Allen who was struck by lightning while standing in front of a rack featuring every known chemical known to man. The lightning bolt strikes the chemicals and creates a reaction in Barry Allen it rewrites his DNA to give him incredible speed. The Flash was a Hit, Barry Allen was a scientist and science featured a lot in the Flash stories. Now Flash forward to 1985 Barry Allen was killed during the Crisis on infinite Earths. And became DC's patron saint of noble heroes. During the early 90's a TV Show THE FLASH starred John Wesley Shipp as Barry Allen as the Flash and it did well. but it missed the boat in terms of characterization turning Barry Allen into a hip guy who worked hand in glove with S.T.A.R. Labs and fought crime while sharing a love triangle with Two women. While the Shipp series was fun, it wasn't the most accurate rendition of the Flash ,Which leads us to year 2014 and the CW magnificent take on The Flash...
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Barry is not alone in the race against crime. |
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Joe & Iris West: Barry Allen's family. |
When I first saw Grant Gustin on 'Arrow', my initial thoughts weren't exactly promising toward his acting or charisma, let alone the fact that they hired a fairly unknown actor for such a big role. But how wrong I was, he's good at playing the little guy because that's what he is and that is who Barry Allen is. He's the little guy, who inspires everybody around him and it's only now that I can see the potential that the show, Grant Gustin and this incarnation of Barry holds. For every obstacle that this Barry Allen faces and overcomes, it deems himself even more worthy to becoming the definitive live action version of 'The Flash'. I mean in episode 6, "The Flash is Born" that punch was the first time that I realized and saw that this version of Flash could very well be 'The Flash'. It looked like he was nearly flying, like the very first superhero that 'Superman' is. Grant Gustin has really grown on me, I just love watching him now. He's just so believable as his character and as an actor. So cool... So, so COOL!
I want this show to do so well, that WB will consider these versions of the Flash and Green Arrow to being included in the upcoming Justice League films (something that at least today, doesn't seem to be going to happen). I mean jeez... I'm actually enjoying 'Arrow' and 'The Flash' more than 'Man of Steel'. That being said, I can't wait for 'Superman VS Batman: Dawn of Justice', Ben Affleck as Batman is going to be so cool!! I know many fans out there want to see Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin in the Justice League film. I mean, by the time 'Dawn of Justice' comes out, Zack Snyder will only have 5 hours at best, to have shown his universe. In comparison to this, Arrow will have finished it's 4th season and The Flash will have had two seasons. By my calculations, that means that the TV show's universe will have had a total of 92 hours worth of stories and character development with a much broader universe to enjoy.
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Captain Boomerang. |
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Captain Cold! |
OK, but what does the new Flash series has to offer? Why do I have to watch it?
Barry Allen is a Central City police forensic scientist with a
reasonably happy life despite the childhood trauma of a mysterious
yellow being killing his mother, and framing his father. All that
changes when a massive particle accelerator accident leads to Barry
being struck by lightning in his lab. Coming out of coma nine months
later, Barry and his new friends at STAR labs find that he now has the
ability to move at superhuman speed. Furthermore, Barry learns that he
is but one of many affected by that event, most of whom are using their
powers for evil. Determined to make a difference, Barry dedicates his
life fighting such threats as The Flash. While he gains allies he never
expected, there are also secret forces determined also to aid and
manipulate him for their own agenda...
The latest take on The Flash has so many things in favor that even the fake comic book fans (you know, those assholes who think watching a superhero film turns them instantly into connoisseurs of the comic book world) would enjoy watching each episode. Just in case you're still one of the few who haven't caught the scarlet speedster fever here's a list of what you've been missing:
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The good guys. |
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Friend or foe? |
1. The Spectacular Flash Rogues Gallery.
So far with 9 episodes, we've seen many spectacular battles featuring well known Flash rogues like Weather Wizard, Multiplex, Plastique, Captain Cold, Captain Boomerang and yes, Reverse Flash among others. Each enemy features a unique power that will have Barry finding new ways to defeat these metahumans by either improving his powers or accepting the aid of his S.T.A.R. Labs teammates.
2. Character Development.
Each character in the series is there for a reason. Don't believe me? check these facts:
-Iris West is Barry Allen's love interest. In the comic book they get married and have Wally West as their son (he becomes the third Flash) However, she's engaged to Edward "Eobard" Thawne, a friendly cop who works with her dad and at least in the comic book becomes the Reverse Flash just because Iris chose Allen instead of him. This could lead to interesting mayhem but we yet have to wait a little longer to see if this can actually happen, since in last night's episode Eddy Thawne was actually fighting the Reverse Flash too.
-Caitlin Snow & Cisco Ramon are well known rogues in the comic book world of The Flash. They are known as Killer Frost & Vibe respectively. Will they go rogue in later episodes? Also, Caitlin's deceased boyfriend has now become Firestorm!
- Doctor Harrison Wells is a man of mystery. What are his intentions behind The Flash's evolution? Why does he keep every metahuman in his own super high tech design prison? Why does he know the future? Why is he playing cripple when he's not? What does he have to do with the military and Gorilla Grodd? and for those who've already seen last night's episode how the fuck can he be in two places at the same time? and most importantly why does he keep the Reverse Flash suite inside his secret cave? is he really a different version from Reverse Flash? is he really named Harrison Wells? fuck, this douchebag has secrets and The Flash will be seeing red very soon.
Now, there is another not so crazy theory going out there in the internet forums, is it possible that DR. Harrison Wells is actually Barry Allen from the future? Remember something, flash is part of the justice league....he would never kill anyone. Killing someone to protect barry would not be flash, he would incarcerate them instead....what about the fact that the captain received a threat after he revealed his intentions to only Harrison. My idea? That Harrison is eddie from the future. He killed Barry's mother for revenge...maybe iris dies cos Barry failed to save her (note Harrison claims to have lost a loved one) so he comes back in time to kill Barry's mom and allow his younger self happiness whilst in time finding out ways to reverse Barry's power using the front of being a friend to do tests and either control Barry's or end him. Anyways, after watching episode 9 we're clearer than ever that Wells, is not a good guy at all.
Now, there is another not so crazy theory going out there in the internet forums, is it possible that DR. Harrison Wells is actually Barry Allen from the future? Remember something, flash is part of the justice league....he would never kill anyone. Killing someone to protect barry would not be flash, he would incarcerate them instead....what about the fact that the captain received a threat after he revealed his intentions to only Harrison. My idea? That Harrison is eddie from the future. He killed Barry's mother for revenge...maybe iris dies cos Barry failed to save her (note Harrison claims to have lost a loved one) so he comes back in time to kill Barry's mom and allow his younger self happiness whilst in time finding out ways to reverse Barry's power using the front of being a friend to do tests and either control Barry's or end him. Anyways, after watching episode 9 we're clearer than ever that Wells, is not a good guy at all.
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You're not ready yet Barry. |
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It's your destiny to be beaten by me! |
3. A Strong Developing Plot Based on Actual Comic Books!
Since the pilot/episode 1 we were introduced to Barry Allen's troubled childhood. After he witnessed his mother death with unexplainable, impossible things, his dad was given the lifetime prison for a crime he didn't commit. Since then, Barry was raised by Joe West and his daughter Iris. Once Barry becomes The Flash, he realizes that the murder night was real, so he sets his mind to finding the yellow blur that murdered his mother in front of him. This plot has a lot to do with the original DC Comics New 52 story arc known as Flashpoint (also released as an animated home movie) On this story, Barry has developed his powers to a point where he can even travel in time at ease, and the first thing he does is travel back in time to save his mother's life, something he achieves unaware of how important this event was to the DC Universe. After saving her mother everything is changed forever (read the comic book) Will these story arc be fully developed within the next episodes and seasons? I do hope the answer is a strong yes! Unfortunately producers have already stated that it's not going to be possible to see major characters like Superman, Batman or Wonder Woman, so Metropolis & Gotham will be non existent places for the series, at least for now. However, in the near future, we may enjoy crossover events again with other characters like Arrow, The Atom, Firestorm, The Young Titans, and many more for sure (the rating of the Arrow/Flash crossover sky rocketed)
4. More unanswered questions!
- Will Doctor Tina McGee aid The Flash in his crusade against crime as she did in the original series? (this may not sound that crazy, since Barry will eventually find out Dr. Wells true intentions with him)
- Will Henry Allen be finally set free? What did he mean when he told Barry to leave the Reverse Flash matter alone? Does he know something we don't? What if he is The Flash from another earth (you know, multiverse DC comics universe)
-Will we see Hal Jordan's Green Lantern in future episodes? (remember the reference from the pilot episode)
-What other rogues are coming? Master Of Mirrors?
-We already know Mark Hamill will return in future episodes, the question is, will he become The Trickster again?
-Why the Reverse Flash told Barry he knew who he was?
-What will Iris do after Barry told her he loved her?
-How is The Flash supposed to stop Reverse Flash?
-Why is doctor Wells keeping every rogue within his facilities?
Hopefully these questions will all be answered in the forthcoming episodes next spring.
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An early Flash poster. |
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Whoa! the episodes are getting better and better! |
5. The Acting.
Another item that is usually overlooked is the acting. Each character here, has a personality of its own, and that is only possible thanks to each actor/actress behind. Grant Gustin (as above mentioned) is not only The Flash, he also portrays a realistic young Barry Allen who's in the way of learning how far can he go, and what it will take to defeat is inner demons thus, becoming a better hero. Tom Cavanagh (Doctor Harrison Wells) is to my liking the number one actor in the series. He literally steals the show when it comes to play his good side and dark side. Listening to his latest line "Merry Christmas" in that oh my fucking god evilish voice adds up to the look on his face. Jesse L. Martin (Detective Joe West) not only has the convincing look of a concerned and experienced father. He also plays a character that perspires goodness. Candice Patton (Iris West) who doesn't really have a lot of action per episode, is also a convincing best friend and love interest. Her infatuation with "The Streak" seems very real to me. In addition her relationship with Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) is very well executed. Last but not least, the S.T.A.R. Labs team Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) & Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdez) deliver very intense moment to each episode. While Snow is a more reflexive and romantic character who adds drama to the show, Ramon is a young genius thrilled to be sharing his job with a superhero and loves calling names each rogue The Flash battles.
Another item that is usually overlooked is the acting. Each character here, has a personality of its own, and that is only possible thanks to each actor/actress behind. Grant Gustin (as above mentioned) is not only The Flash, he also portrays a realistic young Barry Allen who's in the way of learning how far can he go, and what it will take to defeat is inner demons thus, becoming a better hero. Tom Cavanagh (Doctor Harrison Wells) is to my liking the number one actor in the series. He literally steals the show when it comes to play his good side and dark side. Listening to his latest line "Merry Christmas" in that oh my fucking god evilish voice adds up to the look on his face. Jesse L. Martin (Detective Joe West) not only has the convincing look of a concerned and experienced father. He also plays a character that perspires goodness. Candice Patton (Iris West) who doesn't really have a lot of action per episode, is also a convincing best friend and love interest. Her infatuation with "The Streak" seems very real to me. In addition her relationship with Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) is very well executed. Last but not least, the S.T.A.R. Labs team Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) & Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdez) deliver very intense moment to each episode. While Snow is a more reflexive and romantic character who adds drama to the show, Ramon is a young genius thrilled to be sharing his job with a superhero and loves calling names each rogue The Flash battles.
6. The Special Effects.
Considering this is a "made for TV series" we could predict below average CGI but this is not the case. The Special Effects department takes its job seriously. Watching The Flash come and go at super speed is definitely an enjoyable experience. Also, the fight sequences, the suits, the technology used all look very realistic, even for today's age of information. Watching the episode with Multiplex and the bullet time effect (the now forgotten Matrix trilogy) is a real visual orgasm. Michael Walls & Stefan Bredereck are the special effects coordinators and so far they've pulled a great job. There hasn't been a single scene that looks like 90's 3D.
7. What's next?
After Episode 9 "The Man in the Yellow Suit" episode of The Flash, The CW released a sneak preview of the next episode, which is called "Revenge of the Rogues."
Considering this is a "made for TV series" we could predict below average CGI but this is not the case. The Special Effects department takes its job seriously. Watching The Flash come and go at super speed is definitely an enjoyable experience. Also, the fight sequences, the suits, the technology used all look very realistic, even for today's age of information. Watching the episode with Multiplex and the bullet time effect (the now forgotten Matrix trilogy) is a real visual orgasm. Michael Walls & Stefan Bredereck are the special effects coordinators and so far they've pulled a great job. There hasn't been a single scene that looks like 90's 3D.
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Barry, I had an affair with your dad in the past. |
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Buy this action figure you must. |
7. What's next?
After Episode 9 "The Man in the Yellow Suit" episode of The Flash, The CW released a sneak preview of the next episode, which is called "Revenge of the Rogues."
While an official synopsis has not been released for the "Revenge of
the Rogues," the sneak preview shows Barry Allen pledging to devote
every minute of his life to getting faster to stop the Reverse-Flash.
Meanwhile, Heatwave and Captain Cold have kidnapped Dr. Caitlin Snow,
and they are holding her hostage to lure out The Flash. The episode is set to premier on January 20th, 2015.
Here's that sneak preview:
Overall, The Flash has been an action packed series that features a strong plot based upon real comic books and not some stupid script writer's fantasy. This series is recommended to everyone! fans of the 90's series, fans of The Flash comic books, fake fans, posers, sci-fi lovers and mostly everyone who can appreciate a well executed piece that deserves a following, hell! even Marvel Comics fans like it!
Here's a 2014 Comic Con interview with the cast:
Here's Grant Gustin 101:
Here's Candice Patton 101:
Interesante, pero que sera de la película de flash que se viene. se puede expandir el universo perfectamente, con sus viajes en el tiempo, atravesar paredes, etc etc. Firestorm tomara su lugar como heroe en la historia, pero estarán las dos mentes o solo una.
Excelente reseña.
Sobre los secretos no aporta mucho, pero concuerdo que los fans de The Flash de siempre les gustara como a mi.
Es que no hay tanto que decir, tal vez haya mucho que suponer pero nada concreto aún. Hay hartas teorías locas dando vueltas pero mejor esperar un poco. En el episodio anterior Firestorm no reconoció a su ex novia, podría ser que sean dos mentes, no está claro.
Saludos Flashback man!!!!!!!!!
De pelos a esperar entonces.
Happy Birthday pal.
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