| Title
| Original air date
1 | "Everything About You Is Perfect" ( あなたの全ては完璧) | April 8, 2018 |
Honey Kisaragi is called in to help out at a hostage situation at a
jewellery store involving the evil organisation Panther Claw, where she
meets an inspector from France named Genet. Heading inside, Honey comes
up against three of Panther Claw's emmissaries, who are after the
Airborn Element Fixing Device she possesses. Transforming into the
soldier of love, Cutie Honey, Honey fights against Panther Claw,
defeating one of its members before pursuing the other two as they
escape towards a scrapyard, where Genet manages to kill another one.
Honey soon comes up against Panther Claw's leader, Sister Jill, who
overpowers her before escaping.
2 | "The True Joy of Having Met You" (あなたに出会えた事の心からの喜び) | April 15, 2018 |
Honey explains to Genet about how her father Dr. Kisaragi gave her a
life and a super android body before he was killed while defending her
from Panther Claw. Following that incident, Honey teamed up with PCIS
investigator Seiji Hayami in order to fight against Panther Claw and get
revenge for her father. Meanwhile, Seiji ends up in hospital after his
car is rigged to explode, which turns out to be a trap by the latest
Panther Claw minion, Fire Claw, to lure out Honey, but she manages to
quickly defeat her.
 | Never shy away from a battle.
 | Stage fright?
3 | "I Am Made For You" (私はあなたにふさわしい) | April 22, 2018 |
Honey's best friend, Natsuko Aki, becomes enamoured with Genet, who asks
her out on a date and gifts her with a white rose. While Honey deals
with another Panther Claw situation, Naoko Sukeban follows Genet and
Natsuko to a department store. The store is suddenly attacked by another
Panther Claw minion, Badfly Claw, who turns all the other customers
into living mannequins. As Naoko and her gang get injured protecting
Natsuko, Honey, realising the hostage situation was a decoy, rushes to
the scene and defeats Badfly Claw. Following the incident, and with all
of the Sukeban girls suddenly receiving white roses from an anonymous
source, Natsuko begins to have her suspicions about Genet.
4 | "Pure Beauty" (無垢の美しさ) | April 29, 2018 |
Following a plan devised by Genet, Honey poses as an idol to lure out
Panther Claw, only to get captured. However, when they attempt to
dissect her body at their hideout, it turns out to be a fake created by
the real Honey, who had beaten her captors and disguised herself as a
Panther Puppet. Running low on energy, Honey is forced to disguise
herself as a statue to evade the Panther minion Scissors Claw, only to
find herself in trouble the next morning when Seiji's father and
brother, Danbei and Junpei, take an obscene interest in her statue form.
After Honey finally shoos them away and reunites with her team, it is
revealed that Genet is secretly Jill, who is targeting Honey from within
the PCIS team.
 | Heroic transformation.
 | Mean boobs.
5 | "Till Death Do Us Part" (死ぬまで気持ちは変わりません) | May 6, 2018 |
Genet informs Honey and Seiji that their mayor, Noriko Terada, is
secretly Panther minion Iron Shadow. Needing evidence to expose her,
Honey transforms into a reporter to interview Terada, but doesn't get
much useful information out of her. Following Genet's instruction,
Honey, along with Seiji's family, follows Terada to an island resort,
where she spots her trying to make an arms deal and exposes her. Iron
Shadow then attacks with hostages that she had captured and turned into
mannequins, preventing Honey from fighting back. However, Danbei manage
to use his pervertedness to create a chance to cut off Iron Shadow's
whip, severing her control over the hostages and allowing Honey to
defeat her. Despite this setback, however, Jill prepares to enact the
next stage of her plan to gain Honey for her own.
6 | "May Fortune Befall You" (あなたの幸福を祈る) | May 13, 2018 |
One summer's day, a Panther Claw army led by Dragon Panther and Snake
Panther launches a sudden airborne assault against Saint Chapel, as a
part of Sister Jill's plan to drive Honey into despair and thus into her
hands. With the school destroyed and their schoolmates slaughtered,
Honey and Natsuko seek refuge in the woods, with their pursuers hot on
their heels. Honey disguises Natsuko as a rock before taking the fight
to Sister Jill herself, but ends up severely beaten. Natsuko bursts her
camouflage and creates a diversion, allowing Honey to recover, and Naoko
ends up blasted while covering Honey and Natsuko's escape from the
island. Sister Jill slays Snake Panther for disobeying her orders to
capture Honey alive; and for the death of her friends, Honey swears
bitter revenge on Panther Claw.
 | Big tits are the main plot trope here.
 | Titty trope troop.
7 | "Devotion to You Alone" (あなただけに尽くします) | May 20, 2018 |
Following their close escape, Honey and Natsuko (much to Danbei and
Junpei's joy) find refuge with the Hayamis. Despite Honey putting up a
cheerful air, Natsuko and Seiji are worried about how this terrible loss
has really affected her, and wonder how they can help restore her
spirits. Natsuko once more confronts Inspector Genet and later tells
Honey, who went looking for her, about her suspicions; but as they
return home, they find a bunch of Sister Jill's red roses there, which
evoke a severe shock reaction from Honey as part of Jill's ploy to break
her will. Deciding to fully confide in Natsuko, Honey tells her about
her true nature, the Airborne Element Fixing Device, and how this
invention has made her Panther Claw's target.
8 | "Vows of Love" (愛の誓い) | May 27, 2018 |
With her new-won knowledge of Honey's true nature, Natsuko is unsure how
to cope with her worry about Honey's well-being. Tarantula Panther and
her teammate Octopanther are assigned by Jill to kidnap Natsuko. To
spring the trap, Tarantula makes contact with Natsuko; but when the
latter pours out her heart to her, Tarantula, with her own unrequited
feelings for Jill, begins to sympathize with Natsuko and advises her to
tell Honey about her true feelings. Natsuko fails her chance at her next
date with Honey, and is kidnapped by Jill during the following night.
Whilst looking for her, Honey is ambushed by Octopanther, but
unexpectedly aided by Tarantula Panther and is left with a new incentive
to track down and defeat her nemesis.
 | From sensitive naked statue...
 | ...To naked bombshell.
9 | "The Whole World Is Just You and Me" (この世界は二人だけ) | June 3, 2018 |
Jill sends PCIS a video message, threatening to kill a number of
hostages - most of her remaining Panther minions and Natsuko - unless
Honey surrenders herself and the Airborn Element Fixing Device. PCIS
advises against giving in to Jill's demands and attempts to rescue the
hostages themselves, but Jill's deviousness lets her kill off all her
Panthers first, saving Natsuko for the end. When Honey arrives, Jill
drops Natsuko off the roof of a high building. Tarantula Panther and
Honey work together to save her; but Jill corrupts Tarantula, splitting
her into a good and evil half. Before Honey can rescue her, Evil
Tarantula kills Natsuko with Jill's sword, leaving Honey shattered.
10 | "Thank You for Your Compassion and Encouragement" (あなたの思いやり、励ましに感謝します) | June 10, 2018 |
Honey begins a merciless crusade against all Panther Claw activity
across the city. With Natsuko's loss, however, she has begun to lose her
former cheerfulness, distancing herself from her few remaining friends,
just as Sister Jill (still posing as Genet) has planned. In her
deteriorated state, Honey finds herself nearly out of power when she
runs into Good Tarantula, who wishes to help her, and Dragon Panther,
who aims to protect Tarantula. The battle is halted when Tarantula tells
Honey about her awakened sympathy for Natsuko, and that she is
therefore no longer Honey's enemy, and after a tense start Honey and the
Hayamis take Tarantula Panther and Dragon Panther in. During a
subsequent talk, Tarantula breaks down Honey's emotional barriers by
turning herself into Natsuko. Deciding to fully go on the offensive,
Honey turns to Genet for aid, still unaware that she is giving herself
all the more to her nemesis.
 | Japan's obsession with shaved vaginas.
 | ♪♫ No pubes, no pubes ♪♫
11 | "You Will Be Mine to the Bitter End" (あなたはあくまで私のもの) | June 17, 2018 |
Sister Jill keeps taunting Honey at every opportunity, fanning her
hatred towards the murderer of all whom she has held dear. Jill
challenges Honey to seek her out at her headquarters, Phantom Castle,
and Honey decides to engage her nemesis without involving her few
remaining friends. Tarantula Panther offers to accompany her, wishing to
atone for her part in Natsuko's death, but Dragon Panther knocks her
out and takes Honey to the castle herself. There, Genet finally reveals
herself as Sister Jill, shattering Honey's resolve to fight until Dragon
Panther intervenes on her behalf, and both prepare to charge Jill's
monstrous amalgam of her Panther servants, Gill Panther, together.
Meanwhile, while looking for Genet, Seiji stumbles into an
interdimensional pocket containing frozen figures of Sister Jill's
victims, including Natsuko, and thus discovers Jill's secret on his own.
12 | "You Will Return with Hope" (あなたは希望を持ち帰る) | June 24, 2018 |
Jill kills Dragon Panther, and Honey ends up at the verge of defeat as
well, when Tarantula, the Hayamis, Naoko and the whole of PCIS - all
disguised as Cutie Honey lookalikes - intervene. Upon witnessing her
friends' unshaking faith and their willingness to give everything they
can for her, Honey recovers her fighting spirit, which the Airborne
Element Fixing Device transfers to all her allies, uniting them all into
a virtual army of Honeys. As the final fight rages between the Honey
army and Panther Claw, Honey faces Sister Jill and, with the hearts of
all her friends behind her, finally slays her nemesis. In the aftermath,
Honey and Naoko return to their rebuilt school
Buena reseña, la vi el año pasado y sinceramente se me paso volando viéndola.
Es como una mano de gato.Aunque por una razón de edad trato de siempre leer el manga antes o después de haber visto el anime.
Lo idea es hacer eso. Conseguir el manga y leerlo antes. En el caso de Cutie Honey no es tan difícil porque solamente duró un año el manga y sería. Salió una especie de versión nueva el 2018 "Cutie Honey A-GoGo" pero no es la secuela del original de 1973. Livianito este animé, para pasar el rato volando como dices.-
Saludos maestro!
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