Cum and huddle. |
If you were to introduce someone to the sexploitation genre I think today's entry would definitely be the proper choice. The Cheerleaders, (UK theatrical title: The 18 Year Old Schoolgirls) is a 1973 comedy film directed by Paul Glickler and starring Stephanie Fondue and Denise Dillaway. The film's success spawned a series of sequels during the 1970's.
The film courted controversy due to its plot and subject matter: the
titular cheerleaders are seen seducing, amongst others, the football
coach, a female gym coach, and the school bus driver. There was also female on male rape
when the cheerleaders kidnap and then have sex with the members of the
opposing football team the night before the big game. In areas where the
age of consent was 18 at the time, or where the laws on consent
prohibited under-18s having sex with over-18s, there was controversy
over statutory rape.
Re-releases of the film have been renamed as "The Eighteen Year Old Schoolgirls" in some regions,
presumably so as to remove at least part of that particular
controversy, as the exact age of the girls was never stated within the
Yeah, right. |
I see where this is going. |
The plot was--well, let's be serious here--nonexistent, but the campy
nature of the movie won me over. I immediately thought of "Night Calls: The
Movie" and its sequel when I watched this film. Then again, it reminded me
of "Debbie Does Dallas", without the real sex scenes.
The story is elementary--a group of cheerleaders....um....er, what are they
doing again? I'm sorry, another one of them just had sex with a football
player, or in a guy's car while the car is in the car wash, or a guy wearing
nothing but a jockstrap...etc. This was what a cheerleader movie was
supposed to be, guys. A bunch of horny girls having sex with anything
remotely resembling a man.
The central character is a youngish looking girl looking to lose her
virginity. The other girls look at her in shock. The rest of the movie
follows her exploits as she looks to "make it" with a guy for the first
These girls like to show off. |
I'll give you a free burger but... |
If someone dares question the acting quality I tell you, these girls make no attempt to be actresses; in fact, I thought this was a
porno when the film started (better yet, I actually thought I was watching
"Debbie Does Dallas"). The guys in this flick are all looking to get laid (We all are, aren't we?),
and our faithful cheerleaders happily obliged them. What was their big
scheme right before the big football game? To sleep with as many players on
the other team as possible in order to tire them out. If only my old high
school cheerleading squad was THAT accommodating, maybe we would have won the
state championship.
I watched the other Cheerleaders movies before this (..Swinging &
Revenge) and expected this would be tame in comparison..boy was I in for
a surprise. This movie is essentially a series of executed fantasies.
Down through time most or many of us have pondered the idea of making
sweet love to a cheerleader. While I found myself particularly
uncomfortable watching a girl sitting up in the lap of a much older,
grinning-from-ear-to-ear bus driver(..missing some teeth), as he
attempts to keep from hitting cars parked in the neighborhood, or the
scene where a middle-aged father gets the ride of his life, seemingly
in heavenly bliss, these are obvious dreams come true, printed to
celluloid. We even get a lesbian encounter between Patty(Kimberly
Hyde)and her cheerleader coach. The Cheerleaders is another
exploitation feature which perfectly embodies the uninhibited spirit
thriving during this decade after the summer of love overflowed it's
sexually free ways, spilling into the 70's. The girls seem absolutely
fine in shedding their clothes at any given moment.. Especially
tasteless fare, directed and acted embracing the joyous nature of
love-less sex. Yeah, I enjoyed it. The camera spends a great amount of
time observing the cheerleader squad's derrière, and we often get long
pans up and down their bodies. The uniforms are ridiculously
short (..thanks guys!) so that even when they aren't naked, they might as
well be.
Lesbian workout. |
Yeehaw! |
If we had to discuss the importance of The Cheerleaders, we'd had to say this film was a precursor to the teen sex comedy genre that would become
popular a decade later. However, the difference between this film and the
latter films is that at least the kids that were in those films would go
to become some of the finest actors that would ever grace the silver and
small screens. These bimbos probably think The Actors Studio is an
apartment house in west Hollywood. Also, I'm surprised that this film
didn't get an X instead of an R. I guess, the fact that no genitalia was
shown saved it because there were enough bare breasts in this turkey to
even Russ Meyer blush.
Despite the frequent sex, the movie is overall light and innocent. A lot of
the comedy arises from the sex scenes which is sort of unique. Usually in
these films the sex scenes are played straight and/or romantic and the
sthick is in the rest of the film. Here, sex is part of the sthick and
because of that it mixes into the movie a whole lot better.
The burger guy gets his meat. |
The heyday of pubes was the 70's. |
It's also unusual to have female nudity played for laughs. The rule of
in these movies is that male nudity is funny (like in Porkys or Private
Resort)and female nudity is sexy. In this movie, female nudity is played
laughs at least a couple times.
Slapstick, sexual slapstick, goofy premise, total reality disconnect, pre
freedom, impossibly short cheerleader skirts, this movie has it
What it also has is a leading lady who's cute with a capital CUTE. Willowy
Stephanie Fondue plays Jeannie, a girl who is desperate to lose her
virginity but whenever she tries, something goes wrong. That's where the
suspension of disbelief begins and you'll have to keep it all through the
film. Especially when the cheerleaders come up with their grand plan of
helping their team win by tiring out the opposing team
a... er... special way.
Shower that muffin' girl! |
Cum explosion! |
This is a classic for the Joe Bob Briggs set, of which I am a part(Yes, I
love the real classics, I love the high minded films but I love these type
of movies too... so shoot me).
It's also full of ephemeral details like see through water beds, shag walls
and pictures of teen stars in the lockers I can't recognize. It's a
The girls playing the cheerleaders did not have Oscars looming over their
heads but they were appealing and often showed decent comic timing.
You are most likely to find this film on video edited to an R(the earliest
video release was not edited. I've seen both). The original version, while
not pornographic, would no doubt get an NC-17 today. I don't know if it was
originally released as an X rating, unrated or if it did indeed squeak by
with an "R" rating because of the MPAA's looser latitude on sex in films
back then.
Fully satisfied cum swallowing cheerleader. |
So, for those of you that liked "American Pie" and all those other recent
called sexploitation movies, rent this movie and see how much more fun
these type of movies were when they were less self conscious to getting a
particular MPAA rating or to treading (but not crossing) "the line" and
more "Hey! This is going to be wild! Let's have fun with
Here's the movie trailer:
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