Marvel Comics definitive masterpiece. |
Although I'm always trying to avoid making reviews about films that are way too important(it took me years to cover Star Wars as it deserves to be), all of our previous posts have been about what Marvel Comics has done on the small and big screen at different times.However, we haven't discussed each and every single movie from Marvel Studios.Now the time has come for that which is inevitable: Covering the one film that allowed Marvel Studios begin a career of successful motion pictures based upon their beloved characters. Enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe, AKA Iron Man, the movie.
Before we get into the review properly allow me to confess memories nobody gives a shit about, but for old times' sake, let me introduce today's entry like in the old days of Blogger (you know, talking about how miserable your life is)
Growing up in South America in the 80's meant two things for kids:
1. Dictatorship not only taking over your education but also controlling your freedom deeply.
2.Reading mostly DC Comics comic books (Marvel comic books in those days were a precious oddity)
Now, how many fucks are to be given about this? why would I bring this up? Well, as to explain myself better. While North America was very aware of what Marvel Comics were doing, I barely had glimpses of what a Marvel Comic character would look like. Most of the info I had as a young enthusiast comic book fan came from TV (The Incredible Hulk series, The Amazing Spiderman series & the Captain America films plus the cartoons based on Marvel characters) and since Iron Man didn't have a cartoon/movies of his own it was nearly impossible to figure out who he was until I found a few very old comic books of his own in a pawn shop.
Hit the road terrorists! |
Talk to the hand! |
Later when the 90's decade began I found Iron Man being my favorite playable character of The Avengers arcade videogame, and eventually found him again in Marvel Superheroes. By the second half of the decade, a Mexican book firm began publishing Marvel Comics comic books (mostly Spiderman & X-Men but every once in a while Iron Man would show up here and there) In addition there was the Iron Man animated series (check previous post about it) Now, all of these experiences lead me to believe that Iron Man belonged to Tier B where superheroes are concerned, languishing behind
easily recognizable peers who already have movie after movie being
Iron Man had it very hard coming out the same year The Dark Knight came out. Nevertheless, Tony Stark may have lost his parents and inherit a big fortune, but that neither makes him Bruce Wayne nor Batman. the personality Stark has is the opposite of Wayne's. He's not hurt, he's been there but, has long since moved on to a better life, where his creative brain keeps him healthy, rich and happy. Besides, every movie that tried to copy Christopher Nolan's realistic dark universe failed miserably. This one wouldn't fail, it wasn't dark, it was about someone who was happy to save the day.
Mark II. |
Mark III: Birth of Iron Man, the hero! |
The writing is great as 'Iron Man' sticks to the main story all the
way. I liked how Downey Jr's Tony Stark grows from this carefree
business-minded tech-tycoon who's only concern is Stark Industries to a
man with a mission to save the world and in the process he still stays
the same person as he maintains his sense of humor, his courage and
his integrity. The dialogs, especially Starks's one-liners are sharp,
witty and funny. This movie is an introduction to the famous title
character thus those expecting only action from start to end (like
'Transformers') may be disappointed to an extent. But for me there was
enough action along with substance to make it a hugely enjoyable
Jon Favreau is a versatile director and his
impressive filmography, both as actor and director, prove that he's
experimented with different kinds of cinema. 'Iron Man' wouldn't have
been an easy film to direct but Favreau does a magnificent job. The CGI
is excellent as I loved how much attention was given to detail and how
the viewer is shown every step of the making of Iron Man. Of course,
there's some humor added to lighten up the mood instead of
technologically overloading the viewers.
CEO wars! |
Ever dance with the devil...err..wrong movie! |
'Iron Man' is just the movie that Robert Downey Jr. needed and it
couldn't have come at a better time. At a time, when this talented
actor's performances were hardly getting enough notice, 'Iron Man'
brings him back to recognition. After seeing him, one would conclude
that the part was made only for Downey Jr. His dialog delivery seems
so natural that it would be hard to tell whether he was acting, if the
scenes were taken out of context. I don't think Gwyneth Paltrow has
ever looked better. Though the role does not allow her to really
stretch her acting, Potts isn't just a typical superhero's dame. She is
Tony's confidant and the one who supports him through thick and thin.
Paltrow provides the necessary charisma, sex appeal and soul that makes
Pepper Potts shine and she shares a sizzling chemistry with her male
lead. Terrence Howard has a smaller role as Tony's good friend but
there's a hint that he might have a more prominent role if a sequel is
made. Finally, there's Jeff Bridges as the villain. An odd yet
brilliant choice as the actor is refreshing and like his costar, he too
needed an 'Iron Man' to give his career a boost.
I noticed that some people were complaining that Muslims/Middle
Easterners were portrayed as bad guys just like in any other American
movie but I would like to state that this is no 'Vantage Point'. Here,
these people weren't portrayed as terrorists working on their own but
as men hired for a specific reason. So I just thought to briefly clarify that this is no
anti-Islamic or anti-anything (except, well okay, anti-weaponry) movie.
It's a movie for everyone.
meet the Iron Monger! |
Iron Monger smash! |
Perhaps the story itself isn't anything novel which is what makes it
somewhat similar to other superhero movies, but the treatment of it and
its execution is quite unique. Add to that a fine cast and dazzling
special effects among many things, this is the ultimate summer movie experience of 2008 and honestly, the one that allowed the Marvel Cinematic Universe to exist, Iron Man is the big bang!
Overall, the best Marvel Studios film to date (yes, to date, that is 2015) and you know what? What really makes Iron Man an excellent film is that the cast chosen for each role looks and sound as if they were born for it. Robert Downey Jr. is a truly believable genius millionaire that is nothing like sad & dark Bruce Wayne (yes, people tend to compare these two very often) His incredible portrayal of the character brings Iron Man from the Tier B of superheroes, to the spotlight he's always deserved, but writers and artists had constantly failed to conceive.
Stay tuned for Iron Man 2, the sequel review...
Here's the movie trailer:
And a very special bonus video featuring "Iron Man, The Movie with toys"
Excelente reseña, fue entre comillas el renacer de Marvel como franquicia. Creo que Blade fue quien dejo claro que se podían hacer películas de superheroes bien decentes y de buena factura.
Lo de Tony Stark en los comics ya se hablaba de Downey Jr para encarnar al personaje. Tenia la mística y la calle del personaje.
De hecho esta en mi colección.
Gran película, ¿Cierto? toman a un personaje de segunda categoría (porque eso era antes de la película) y lo convierten en la bomba que genera el hilo conductor de "la iniciativa Avengers" y el resto de las películas que vinieron.
Una lata que la 3 haya sido tan re condenadamente decepcionante.
Concuerdo lo que dices de la tres, no explotaron al Mandarín.
O sea, lo reventaron con esa idea tan estúpida que desarrollaron! lo peor fue la escena de Pepper Pots "Súper heroe" y la depresión absurda de Stark (con la plata que tiene demás que pudo haberse dado el mejor tratamiento)
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