Dec 17, 2015

Star Wars, Episode VII The Force Awakens

The most important movie saga of all time returns.

1983 was the year that marked the last entry in the Star Wars saga. Later, in 1999 George Lucas would begin the (controversial) prequel trilogy with Episode I: The Phantom Menace. I was there, as I've been in every single Star Wars avant premiere my age and pockets could afford. I was born in 1981, so the way I experienced the original trilogy was through the tele and VHS rentals. In 1997, with the "Special Editions" in theaters I experienced the updated original trilogy in theaters. Star Wars is a significant part of my existence. To me, it stands for innocence, family values, survival, breaking through, fostering either  your strengths or weaknesses, and finding out that the only way of growing up a rather decent human being, has a lot to do with understanding pain. Pain teaches the most valuable lesson in life: life is a balance between the dark side and the light, just like Star Wars has always been...

Last night we had a blast, my wife frigging loved it, my friends, totally loved it, the people in the theater were blown away. What about me? I knew, I just knew it would be one of the most amazing (not to say the most amazing) birthday celebrations I ever had. A true Star Wars fan knows what to do when it comes to resisting temptation, and by temptation I mean spoilers, leaked plots and leaked stuff of all sorts. Before last night, I didn't give a shit about all these idiotic moronic motherfuckin' Star Wars connoisseurs who swore they knew beforehand what the film was going to be about. However, there was this forum (which I won't mention here) which did got right some stuff they spoiled and here comes the real question Do you really want to miss the joy of being surprised from start to finish watching a Star Wars movie? No, no you don't, you will not spoil the movie for me, these are not the spoilers you're looking for.  Browsing for spoilers is like going to a rock concert and instead of enjoying the show, you just spend the whole time taking pictures and recording crappy videos which no one, not even your friends will give a fuck about.

New heroes rise.
So do the enemies.
Star Wars, Episode VII The Force Awakens, directed by J.J. Abrams and produced by Disney. George Lucas didn't have much to do with it, he kinda walked away from his creation for good here you can read his statement:

The issue was, ultimately, they looked at the stories and they said, 'We want to make something for the fans.' People don't actually realize it's actually a soap opera and it's all about family problems - it's not about spaceships. So they decided they didn't want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing so I decided, 'Fine.... I'll go my way, and I let them go their way.' George Lucas, (CBS This Morning)
After a lot of stupid speculations in the likes of "Luke turned to the dark side, he is Kylo Ren" or "They cloned Darth Vader", "The Emperor didn't die", "Darth Plagueis is alive" and forums created merely for the purpose of pushing Disney to embrace the expanded universe and consider it canon, all I can tell you, because I truly care about maintaining your Star Wars experience a surprise, is that every single internet theory was nothing but crap, bullshit, lies, and delusions of grandeure. Star  Wars returns to our world safe and sound. As a matter of fact it returns safer and sounder than ever. What I saw, what I felt was 12 parsecs superior than what happened to me when I was waiting in line for Episode I.  Hopefully, my fellow readers, I truly expect not to deliver a biased review, I want a correct review, the one this film deserves.

These stormtroopers don't miss.
Run for your life!
Ahem!, let's begin. Episode VII happens thirty something years after the fall of the empire. Legendary characters are there safe and sound. The story although not fully explained (Episode VIII & IX are on their way) is about the remnants of the galactic empire, these space Nazies now go by the name of "The First Order"  their goal as it wasn't clear already is to destroy the republic at all cost and restore the power of the dark side through a new Sith lord that goes by the name of Kylo Ren. The rebel alliance now goes by the name of The Resistance, suggesting they've been struggling with the first order longer than what the film shows. The jedi order has ceased to exist. Luke Skywalker is nowhere to be found. Of course he has reasons, he's a Jedi knight! But what good is the resistance without such a powerful ally? Well, they're well trained, as a matter of fact they have an ace pilot that goes by the name of Poe Dameron. Leia Organa is there, C-3PO is there, R2D2 is there and a lot of classic rebel characters are there too (trying not to spoil it for you) The thing is, without the Jedi to balance the force, there will be chaos, there will be destruction and there will be a  lot of suffering.

George Lucas has always described Star Wars as a soap opera, a family in constant conflict in an unbalanced universe.  In that sense, Episode VII is a true Star Wars movie. The never ending space battles, the amazing ships, serviceable droids and light saber fights are all there. But Star Wars is also a lot of fun with pun intended jokes that only true Star Wars fans will get. Episode VII has a lot of that too. 

The faces of evil.
I will finish what you started.
What if you've never seen a Star Wars movie before? Well, I hate to break it to you but if your plan is a complete experience you're mandatory required to watch the previous episodes. Also, I suggest to go to a psychologist, something's broken there. In this new film, the concept of the force (as shown in the trailers, so this is not a spoiler) seems to be a forgotten tale that has somewhat turned into a myth rather than a fact. When Han Solo utters "it's true, all of it" he's clearly explaining it to the new characters, characters which weren't even born by the time Luke & co took down the empire. Luke Skywalker is also a sort of a fictional character to those who weren't there. Nevertheless, Solo & Leia know he is real and top priority when it comes to dealing with the return of the dark side. 

As stated above Luke Skywalker as gone in hiding. The resistance is running short on both manpower & time. The first order is clearly not as forgiving as the empire once was. They will destroy & murder first, then they will ask the questions.  Is Skywalker running away because he's afraid of the First Order? If you're a Star Wars fan you know what happens when you're taken by fear, just bare in mind, Skywalker was so powerful he didn't need to finish Darth Vader to defeat him.

"Chewie, we're home"
"I'm no one"
The newly introduced planet of Jakku, seems to be the new Tatooine. People hate it as it's a dessert planet were there's nothing but debris and hundreds of miles of sand. However, this is the planet where Rey lives. In order to survive, she's become a scavenger like many in her planet. Seeing her appear in every trailer and TV ad, already suggested she was going to have a big role in the new Star Wars trilogy. But, who is she?, who are her parents?, is she an orphan girl? how does she get her hands in the Millenium Falcon? How does her path crosses with Finn's?

The first order has a mission, they're looking for something that they thing is key to bring down the republic for once and for all. Could the resistance be looking for the same exact thing? is it Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber which we've alredy seen in the trailers? how the hell did someone recovered it? Not even Luke had it when he lost it to Vader during The Empire Strikes Back most revealing moment. Earlier concepts of Star Wars (even before Episode IV was released) reveal that the original idea Lucas had, was the search for a powerful artifact that allowed whoever who owned it to have an unlimited amount of power. Could such legendary light saber hold something we yet don't know? Anakin's lightsaber passed onto Luke and then he lost but, a new character (nope, not telling) recovered it and kept safe for the future of the universe. Is it possible that this lightsaber will be passed on to new characters? Promo pictures and TV ads have already shown Finn wielding it. Could he be a new Jedi? is he the son of Lando Calrissian & Leia Organa (another stupid theory by the way)

BB-8 steals the show, he's highly emotional!
Fuck you all, I came here to kill Sith style!
Now, Episode VII is not only good guys versus bad guys, good guys always win and stuff like that. There's a brutally unexpected plot twist that will leave you half happy (because you watched a new Star Wars movie) and half sad because of what happens. The new action sequences where the force is used are truly incredible. Add to that the excellent sound effects that make you feel someone is using the force. There are moments where son of a bitch Kylo Ren will use it, and the sound engineer truly gets into your ears telling you "this is how the force sounds you little pussy" that is something entirely new, and although it is not that big, it is brand new. The lightsaber fights have spectacular light sounds that weren't even conceived this good in the prequel trilogy. Space battle lovers will also be very satisfied, you will see the X-Wing fighters fly like never before.

Some action sequences are so overwhelming that you're like "my god, there's too much going on, my eyes can't take it" And that's a very good thing I think, because you get the "I'm tired of war" vibes quite clearly.  BB-8 & Poe Dameron's mission will gladly remind you of Episode IV. In the past I never watched a J.J. Abrams film. As a matter of fact I didn't even bother watching his take on Star Trek. Nevertheless, he pulls a fine job here. He knows what old school fans are looking for, and he delivers exactly what we expected to find (with certain refreshing plot twists) He also, knows Star Wars is a larger than life institution, and every new character comes to life in perfect synchronicity with what was established in the previous episodes.

Meet Ace pilot Poe Dameron.
Kylo Ren is really a bad bad Sith.
Does Episode VII have big revelations and/or plot twists? Yes, yes it does! But, do you really wanna know them beforehand? isn't the force an energy you have to discover yourself? Although the film features plenty of tributes to the original trilogy (prequels? nope, not even a subtle hint) Episode VII features new evil and yet the good old battle between the Sith and the Jedi is still there, the story has somewhat evolved into a new story line and it's as open for the new characters as it is for the most iconic heroes. The film reunites the best elements from the original trilogy while offering brand new uncharted territories at the same time.

Of course, it wouldn't be a Star Wars film if it didn't feature a heartbreaking moment. Such moment will clearly be a turning point for the remaining episodes. As for the new characters, Daisy Ridley steals the show with her portrayal of Rey the Scavenger. And so does John Boyega whose Finn is the perfect mix of an escapee looking for a second chance to do what's right. As for Adam Driver and his evil role as Kylo Ren there's a lot of things you want to find out yourself, he's not just another Sith in the likes of Darth Maul or Darth Tyrannus. He goes beyond that, and in doing so, he makes you bite more than you can chew.

New creatures in new galaxies far, far away.
Captain Phasma.
Overall, on a scale of 10/10 I'd say The Force Awakens is a straight 10. Is it better than the prequel trilogy films? Yes, definitely, it even stands very close to Revenge of the Sith. Honestly, what the hell! this film is so good that I can easily state that is as good as any episode from the original trilogy. So ,waste no more time and "to the theater you will go". May the force be with you all my fellow connoisseurs.

Here's the first movie trailer:

Here's the second movie trailer:

And here a hilarious SNL toy ad parody you should be watching as of right now:



Flashback-man said...

Bueno estimado mi comentario, sin spoilers.

Me gusto, siendo lo mas objetivo posible, por dos cosas, se me paso volando el tiempo y dos la sensación de piel de gallina en algunos pasajes en especila el principio y el "final".

Rey y Finn le dieron otra vuelta de tuercas a la saga, esto se ve cuando aparecen en pantalla y creo que mas adelante en los otros films sabremos mas de ellos... No diré más véanla con sus propios ojos.

Poe dio otro punto de vista, me imagino a Wedge de la trilogia original, pero trayendo esa mística del piloto rebelde a esta saga. También nos presenta la película que viene este otro año, no diré más, solo agregar que retomaron una idea que se dio en el episodio VI y no estuvo en la edición final.

Kylo Ren no es pulento (un as) como diríamos aquí en Chile, como dices perfectamente no es un Darth Maul o Doku y eso le da mas valor al personaje, ya que es un cuaderno en blanco y sera una competencia quien es el más malo de la galaxia.

Los personajes clásicos, se mantuvieron en perspectiva, eso se agradece y como dije en otra parte los guiños son muchos y no pude verlos todos.

BB-8 por razones obvias se roba el protagonismo, ya que lo quieren en cada casa para navidad.

Lo ultimo lo del final medio feliz, creo que es la explicación que dieron solo es la mitad, ya se conoce los personajes antiguos, pero hay que introducir a los nuevos, quienes llevaran el peso en los años que vendrán (la edad pasa la cuenta).Para saber a que se refiere vean la pelicula.

Por ultimo una pregunta vean el color del sable de Rey y compárenlo con el sable de luke en el episodio VI, hay algo que no me cuadra.


SPAM Alternative said...

Lo del lightsaber tiene explicación. El que recuperan y Rey blande, es el de Anakin Skywalker, el que Luke perdió en el episodio V y que el personaje nuevo que lo recupera dice que "es una larga historia" contar como llegó a sus manos. El lightsaber del episodio VI lo ha de tener Luke, recuerda que lo creó el mismo y que uhmmm tal vez cuando rescató a Vader se llevó el suyo y tal vez el de su padre con la hoja roja.

Flashback-man said...

Lo de una larga historia me suena a spinn off, hay tantas posibilidades.