Dec 20, 2010

Here come the Pink Angels!

Original Movie Poster

The Pink Angels is a 1971 comedy movie about a very special bikers gang. Somehow I guess this is a parody of bikers movies such as Easy Rider and Hell's Angels to name a few.So, this flick is an 'independent' film attempt of a different reality seen from the funny side of it. Probably this is not a  movie that will satisfy everyone's personal taste, but the surprise factor here is something you're gonna love for sure. I mean tough looking bikers from an era of tough bikers movies, make you think you know about the violent plot about to explode but hell,  the story goes to a very different road.

The plot line is really simple to follow even if you're drunk (that's why it's a Drive-In movie) these bikers are on their way to Los Angeles to participate on a Drag Ball, so all of their efforts on the movie are leading to that direction. So far, I liked the movie but I'd like to ask someone who belongs to the gay community about how they feel portrayed by the movie, cause at least for me the gay part of the acting is a bit overacted, it looks as if the director wanted to make fun of the gay behaviour these bikers had ,still for us as viewers it must be ok and funny  but if you want to get serious it feels as if they were trying to make fun of the gay people. I'm not gay, but i'm a tolerant person and I feel that the direction this movie takes is more meant for non gay viewers who want to laugh at gay behaviour rather than understanding it, but again that could be a bit of too much thinking since this movie was made under the 1971 standards. If this movie could be categorized under grindhouse, exploitation or B movies it's because the qualifier doesn't know a thing about the categories above mentioned. This is a simple comedy movie, a parody and a joke, that's all.

Worth watching? maybe, if you're ok with stereotypes.

Now here's the trailer for thouse unconvined haha:

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