Cool movie poster. |
After a long while reviewing films that were beyond being considered B movies I felt it was about time to go back to my pending assignment of reviewing the Andy Sidaris Girls, Guns & G-Strings 12 movie saga, so fasten your seatbelt for today's review for 1988 tits & ass classic: Picasso Trigger.
After double agent Picasso Trigger (believe it or not, that his name) gets bumped off by treacherous arch drug smuggler Miguel Ortiz (played by Sidaris usual actor Rodrigo Obregon), several federal agents are assigned by the agency they work for to bring Ortiz down.
Airplanes were always a part of Sidaris' cast. |
Our agents ready for action. |
An old movie ad. |
Writer/director Andy Sidaris maintains a quick pace throughout and delivers his usual enjoyable mixture of centerfold babes in tight swimsuits or with no clothes on, also the movie delivers a moderate amount of amusingly goofy sense of humor, average explosions, James Bond-style low budget gadgets such as an explosive boomerang and a killer remote control plus a good deal of bloody violence, occasional bits of strenuous slow motion, a cool fierce martial arts fight, and globe-trotting international locations which add an impressively expansive scope to the picture.
Now, this is talent. |
More talent displays. |
A Key scene from the film. |
Another Key Scene. |
More key scenes. |
The acting from the attractive cast is the kind you would expect from a B movie, but, we do know that all the centerfolds here are not for award winning acting talent, they are here for their gorgeous bodies! Overall this film, as I've read from other movie freaks like me, is not considered as one the most interesting Sidaris films, other reviewers, most of them I'd say consider that this movie is basically a display of nudity and action scenes that somehow look exactly the same as earlier Sidaris works and in a way you could say that, but this is a B movie not a masterpiece movie, so I think that to state that Sidaris movies are a bit too repetitive makes no sense, remember these movies are not meant for all audiences, only for the connoisseurs, not for blockbuster smart asses, so if this is what you're looking for, look no further and help yourself watching this amusing flick, and if this is not, well just turn the page!
In case you still feel this film is not worth watching, let's check the main characters:
Hero N°1. |
Hero N°2. |
The enemy. |
Here's the movie trailer:
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