Sep 19, 2012

Austin Powers, the Spy Who Shagged Me

Oh behave!
I believe that the general consensus is that the first Austin Powers movie is the best of the bunch. I happen to disagree (as you can probably tell from my one-line-summary). I feel that the second film actually improves on the first film by adding a few new characters and generally cutting loose on the humor making it even more bizarre and funny than in the first film. I don't expect people to agree but at least hear me out as to why I think the second film is better.  

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me starts right after the first film left: In Austin's bedroom just after he's done fucking her wife Vanessa Kensington (once more played by Elizabeth Hurley) The problem is, Vanessa happens to be a fembot! (yeah, just like the ones they fought together in part 1) So, her obvious goal is to terminate with Austin's life, of course she fails and Austin will live another day. As soon as Mr. Powers contacts his boss Basil Exposition, he reports the situation to him and Exposition's reply is "yes, we knew it all along" suggesting us the huge amounts of non-sense humour are just about to begin. However, it does feel weird having such a screen bombshell as Elizabeth Hurley just for a few minutes to justify the character's inevitable death.

The script is very well written and it is not a reprise of the original film as many expected back then. This time Dr. Evil travels to the future, and in such future (1999) he will have to update his evil plans as to understand what to do with his neverending world domination cravings. For instance, once he "returns" to 1999, his number one guy, Number Two, explains him how succesful Dr. Evil's enterprise has become since their introduction to the stock market. Dr. Evil's hideout is now found in the Space Needle in Seattle, and their business is not killing. Instead, they own the Starbucks Coffee company and serve tasteful coffees at affordable prices. Of course, Dr. Evil doesn't quite understand this new world domination plan so he decides to travel back in time to steal Austin Powers' mojo...

Enter secret agent Felicity Shagwell.
Miss Humpalot.
Fat Bastard.
As I said a few new characters have been added to the roster and we get to see some older characters in new and exiting ways. The best addition to the character rooster is Mini-Me, Doctor Evil's clone, played brilliantly by Verne Troyer. Not only is he hilariously funny but he also brings out a different side to Doctor Evil which I found to be extremely funny. On a related note I found Doctor Evil to be much more interesting as a character in the second film than in the first. Probably because the Austin character had to be established in the first film. Second there is the addition of Fat Bastard, played by Myers himself. A lot of people have responded negatively to Fat Bastard but I found him quite funny in a very weird way. Mike Myers definitely took a step up the weird ladder when he came up with him. Elizabeth Hurley (as above mentioned) is written out of the script very early in the film and instead Heather Graham is introduced as Felicity Shagwell. Heather Graham is not as strong as Hurley was as Austin's love interest but she remains nice as eye-candy and what can you expect more than that. Seth Green pretty much reprises his role from the first film. Nothing much to come after there. 

The supporting cast is pretty much the same as in the first film except this time we get to see Number Two in a young version played by Rob Lowe who does an uncanny imitation of Robert Wagner. Mindy Sterling and Michael York returns in their respective parts as well. There are also quite a few cameos in the film. Including Tim Robbins, Woody Harrelson, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos and many more.

Dr. Evil & his clone (pocket size anyways)
These guys are not only partners in crime.
There's always time for a dance.

The film still spoofs Bond obviously and the title in itself is of course a reference to The Spy Who Loved Me and once again I find that no-one does it better than Myers. After the success of the first I think they gave Myers free reigns because a lot of the stuff in this film is pretty far out. An example could be the hilarious fight between Austin and Mini-Me and an equally funny scene in a tent. I won't reveal any more than that. Another thing is that the overall effects seem much more polished this time around which is probably also caused by the success of the previous film.

The story is pretty much non-existent which I found to be an improvement over the previous film which actually attempted to incorporate a story rather than just be all out fun. In fact there is a scene in which both Basil Exposition & Austin Powers discuss which year would be the most apropiate for the time travel like for instance going back in time just before Fat Bastard steals Austin's mojo out of his frozen body, of course they know doing so would make the film pointless so they don't do it and Austin travels back in time just after Fat Bastard has escaped hoping to catch him before he trades Austin's mojo with Dr. Evil. 

Felicity Shagwell likes to show off her sexy body.
Felicity Shagwell big shaved twat.
Do ya like me nude Mr. Powers?
Humour is also updated, and we get tons of laughs through different means. For example, Dr. Evil's satellite looks nothing like but a pair of tits, and his rocket looks just like a dick (balls included) that starts a non stop chain of penis nicknames that will blow you away haha! Not to mention the hilarious shadow play scene, how Dr. Evil rips off 90's songs in the sixties and Mustafa!

Just to make sure you're gonna love this film as much as my wife & I did check this memorable quotes:

Radar Operator: Colonel, you better have a look at this radar.
: What is it, son?
Radar Operator
: I don't know, sir, but it looks like a giant...
Jet Pilot
: Dick. Dick, take a look out of starboard.
: Oh my God, it looks like a huge...
Bird-Watching Woman
: Pecker.
Bird-Watching Man
: [raising binoculars] Ooh, Where?
Bird-Watching Woman
: Over there. What sort of bird is that? Wait, it's not a woodpecker, it looks like someone's...
Army Sergeant
: Privates. We have reports of an unidentified flying object. It has a long, smooth shaft, complete with...
Baseball Umpire
: Two balls.
[looking up from game]
Baseball Umpire
: What is that. It looks just like an enormous...
Chinese Teacher
: Wang. pay attention.
: I was distracted by that giant flying...
: Willie.
: Yeah?
: What's that?
: [squints] Well, that looks like a huge...
: Johnson.
Radar Operator
: Yes, sir?
: Get on the horn to British Intelligence and let them know about this. 

All in all I think it is a matter of taste. Either you prefer the first or you prefer the second but you should definitely give this film a try just for the heck of it.

All in all for me, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me is my favorite out of the trilogy, and I'd say part 1 would be the runner up winner, while part 3 is just a fair farewell movie.

Haven't watched it yet? go get it tiger!

Here's the movie trailer:

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