Feb 16, 2012

Malabimba, the Malicious Whore

The exorcist meets italian porn.
Malabimba, the Malicious Whore is a 1979 italian film loosely based on the religious horror blockbuster The Exorcist. Of course, the film is neither a parody nor a copycat. It just borrows a few elements from a famous flick to deliver a completely new film. The movie's cast are all more then adequate with the only standout being Katell Laennec in her first only film as the film's main character Daniela Karoli. May be it is her lack of experience which brings out her naive, but kinky teen performance more then an experienced performer who might have overplayed the part. The film also features sexy Mariangela Giordano (known from films like Giallo a Venezia, Patrick Still Lives, Burial Ground) as the nun Sister Sofia. The scene with her and Daniela Karoli getting to know every inch of each other bodies is by far one of hottest moments in the film.

Daniela sucks his uncle cock and makes him cum and die.
Daniela likes fingering her pussy.
Daniela and the Nun checking some hardcore sex.
Malabimba: The Malicious Whore was directed by Andrea Bianchi who has directed other Italian genre favorites like Burial Ground, Cry of the Prostitute and Strip Nude for Your Killer. The story for Malabimba like many Italians films from that era, is a cannibalized rendition of the blockbuster of the moment. From The Exorcist, the films borrows the possession of a teenage girl and features its own  priest, a nun. The rest of Malabimba: The Malicious Whore is Andrea Bianchi's original ideas. 

Daniela diddles her nun's skittle.
Daniela checking herself out.
Daniela tasting his uncle's cock.
But what is the film about anyways?  During a magic/voodoo/whatever session the deceased wife of Andrea Karoli returns via a malignant spirit which occupies the body of their teenage daughter Daniela. At first the family has become oblivious to Daniela’s abrupt mood swing which quickly spins out of control forcing the family accepts the help of a nun named Sister Sofia. Can Sister Sofia exorcise Daniela’s mother spirit or will she fall prey to forbidden desires like those who came before her? the answer is yes, she will fall like most of the characters in the film. So, definitely this movie is about sex and sex alone. It even features some hardcore sex scenes displaying penetration, anal sex, lesbian sex with a nun, masturbation and even oral sex being performed to Daniela's disabled uncle by Daniela herself! holy shit! she makes him cum in her mouth and then he fucking dies! So be careful if this offends your miserable life.

Overall, a horror wannabe movie that uses the malignant spirit possesion to justify the high octane amounts of sex scenes in the film. Mala Bimba being an italian word, translates literally as Mean Girl, and that's what we get by watching the film. However, this movie has some added value, for instance Daniela Karoli, has several lines where she criticizes and/or describes her family behaviour as a display of  hipocrisy and fake morals, something that read between the lines can be an actual critic to our vicious and perverted society. The hardcore scenes are not random choices also, in fact, each scene represents how perverted can human beings become just for the sake of having pleasure with the forbidden. For instance, lesbian sex, female masturbation, lesbian sex with a nun as above mentioned and the incest scene with Daniela's uncle.

Spanish movie poster.
Not your average nun.
Amazing isn't she?
Katell Laennec one and only movie. Thank God with fully met her.
Ride blondie, Ride!
Who may want to watch this movie? Certainly not real life perverts. The movie is aimed at one goal: shocking the audience. In a way it does get to the goal with the many sex scenes it features, but on the other hand it doesn't go anywhere, so don't expect an actual horror film with plenty of killings, ghosts and blood drops. I recommend it to 70's obscure films fans, Italian exploitation lovers, sexploitation connoisseurs and to anyone curious enough to get the kicks out of it.

The film was re-released in 2007 in the DVD format and is still available at many online stores, although it can be a little pricy ($29.98)

Here's the movie trailer:

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